Item Details
Item 56
The Crucifixion with Related Scenes
Egg tempera, gold leaf on wood panel
14” x 12”
James and Tatiana Jackson Collection

This icon depicts a complex rendering of the crucifixion. Here the crucified Christ is shown on a finely painted wood cross which is set into a cross-form recess carved into the panel. At the top of the cross is “Lord Sabaoth.” Directly beneath is a dove, sign of the Holy Spirit, and on either side of the dove, two descending angels of the Lord. Behind the angel on the left is the sun (solntse) which has darkened, and behind the angel on the right is the moon (luna) which has become as blood (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20). Above the head of Christ is an abbreviated inscription which translates to “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” (Isus Nazoryanin Tsar Iudeiskiy). The inscription above the main cross beam contains the words Tsar Suin Bozhiy Slavuiy. They are to be read by alternating words left to right, which gives Tsar Slavuiy, Suin Bozhiy, or “King of Glory, Son of God.” Below the beam are words taken from Matins on the Sunday of the Cross: Krestu Tvoemu Poklanyaemsya Vladiko I Svyatoe Voskresenie Tvoe Slavim, “We Venerate Your Cross, Lord, and Glorify Your Holy Resurrection.” To the left of Christ is a spear with the letter K to the left of the spear tip (K=Kopie “spear”). To the right of Christ is a reed with a sponge, and near the sponge the letter T (T=Trost “reed”). To the left and right of Christ’s knees are the letters NIKA, a Greek word meaning “He (Jesus) Conquers.” The letters MLRB on the footboard abbreviate Mesto Lobnoe Ray Buist, “The Place of the Skull Becomes Paradise.” The letters GG below the footboard stand for Gora Golgofa, “The Hill of Golgotha,” and the GA below that stands for Golova Adama, “The Head (skull) of Adam.” In tradition Adam’s tomb is said to have been at Golgotha, and his skull and bones (shown below) were exposed by an earthquake during the Crucifixion.To the left and also on a cross is the “Good Thief,” and on the right upon a cross is the “Bad Thief” being taunted by a demonic creature. On the left is a gathering of witnesses to the crucifixion. Beginning at the far left they are Mary Clopas, Mary the Mother of Christ, Mary Magdalene and the Apostle John. Above them is the Roman Centurion Longinus. On the right, a gathering of Pharisees. In the upper left corner is a related scene identified by the arched inscription which reads “Removal From the Cross of the Lord of Us Jesus Christ.” It depicts the taking down of the body of Christ by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Mary, the Mother of Christ, the Apostle John and others are present as well. At top right is another related scene identified by the arched inscription above it which reads “Placing in the Tomb the Lord of Us Jesus Christ.” It depicts the body of Christ being placed in a sarcophagus by Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, the Apostle John, the Mother of God, Nicodemus and others. Inscribed in a white cartouche at the base of the cross is: “This Holy Icon was painted from the Creation of the World in the year 7,380 (1878) November the 1st day.”