In this complex and less frequently encountered rendering, each day of the week is represented by a festival. Beginning inside the margins at upper left and reading to the right, it begins with the “Resurrection” (Sunday); then the “Assembly of the Archangels” (Monday); the “Beheading of John the Forerunner” (Tuesday); the “Annunciation” (Wednesday); the “Foot Washing” (Thursday); and the “Crucifixion” (Friday). Saturday is depicted as a gathering of “All Saints” and occupies most of the lower part of the icon. Also shown in this example, starting at top center and moving downward, are “Seven Days of Creation;” below that “Lord Sabaoth Among the Powers;” below that the “Deisis;” and below that “The Tree of Paradise,” with Adam and Eve shown before the fall (left) and after (right). On the top central margin the Hetimasia. The borders depict numerous saints, including (at top) Nicholas and the Three Hierarchs. On the right are The Metropolitans of Moscow, John and Philip; The Holy Leontiy and Ignatiy; The Venerable Zosima and Savatry. On the left are Moscow Metropolitans Peter and Alexi; then Isaiah and Jacob; The Venerable Feodosiy; and Antoniy of Kiev. On the lower margin the Holy Fools Vasily, Maxim, John and Prokopi; and scenes from the life of the Tsar Martyr Dimitriy. In the corners are the four Evangelists.