Icons such as this were often created as receptacles for metal crosses that had belonged to deceased family members. The center displays a large bronze wall cross inserted in the panel. At the top is Lord Sabaoth (“God the Father”), in the upper left corner is the sun, which has darkened, and to the right, the moon, which has become as blood (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20). To the left of the cross are Mary the Mother of God and Mary Magdalene. To the right is the Apostle John and the Roman Centurion Longinus. At the top of the cross is the “Not Made by Hands Image of Our Lord.” Below are two descending angels. The inscription above the main crossbeam reads: “The Crucifixion of the Lord, the King of Glory, the Son of God.” Below the beam are words from Matins on the Sunday of the Cross: “We Venerate Your Cross, Lord, and Glorify Your Holy Resurrection.” At Christ’s right is the spear and on his left the sponge on a reed. Above the slanting footboard is the Greek word NIKA, meaning “He (Jesus) Conquers.” The letters below the footboard MLRB abbreviate Mesto Lobnoe Ray Buist, “The Place of the Skull Becomes Paradise.” The Cyrillic letters GG stand for “The Hill of Golgotha.” The skull represents the head of Adam. In tradition Adam’s tomb is said to have been at Golgotha, and his skull and bones were exposed by an earthquake during the Crucifixion. From top to bottom the left border displays Saint Gregory the Theologian, St. James, and the Prophet Zachariah. On the right are the Holy Martyr Timothy, the Holy Nun Matron, and the Holy Martyr Irina.