Item Details
Item 39
The Finding of the Head of John the Forerunner
19th century
Egg tempera, gold leaf on wood panel
12.25” x 10.5”
James and Tatiana Jackson Collection

This icon depicts the first of three discoveries of the Head of John the Baptist (Forerunner). In this first discovery, shown here, two monks are seen unearthing the relic, which is preserved in a container, found in a cave (tomb). This event is celebrated on February 24th. At top center is the “Not By Hands Made Image of Our Lord.” It was not uncommon to include that image somewhere within an icon. The borders depict the mother and son martyr saints Kirik (left) and his mother Julita (right). The ornate inscription along the top border identifies the subject as “The First Finding of the Head of Holy John the Forerunner.”